During our last stay in Madrid I was a bit more cautious with film. From experience, I have seen that the more I return to the same places, the more I take the same photographs, and there's only so many shots of the Plaza Mayor in Madrid one can take, no matter how eerie the light effect. In past visits, I had burned two, or even two and a half rolls in a single 10-hour day. This time—summer of 2018—I felt a lot less generous and more selective, as you can see here: here are some selected photographs from one single roll of film (Kenmere ISO 100), spanning two days in Madrid. As you may have surmised, the camera used was a Leica M4-P, with an Elmarit 28mm f2.8.
Not too early, not too late... at the post stamp market in the Madrid Plaza Mayor.
Buyer, Post Stamp "mercadillo" at the Plaza Mayor, Madrid.
The market actually offers a vast array of used or antique items, and browsing can be fun.
T-shirts in another institution of Madrid: "El rastro" |
Backstore in "El rastro" |
Musicians parading/performing at "El rastro"
Abundance of things strange... "El rastro" |
"La casa de las navajas" bar, near where "El rastro" gets assembled on weekends | | | | | | |
"Chotis" dancers in Plaza Isabel II, Madrid, on a Sunday afternoon.
Young opera singers, Calle Arenal
Magician at the Puerta del Sol |
Feminist demonstration at the Puerta del Sol
Young women walking down Puerta del Sol at dusk.
Young patrons at Café de la Opera
Man checking cell phone on Campomanes Street, following day
Young woman on Gran Vía, following day (hip shot)
Young woman, Calle San Isidro |
Here's the end of that roll (Sunday and Monday, if I remember correctly). These are, to me, the ones that deserve some attention. As for the rest... they'll do fine as long as they stay buried in my computer. So long!