Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Using color film... can be a problem. No, I don't avoid it. In fact, I like it, but it's a problem dealing with one's exposure mistakes, as they translate into weird tones, strange casts, unexpected renderings of skin color. However, I just keep trying. Here are some samples from last summer.

My wife, on a rare moment of peace now that we have a baby (I compensated the exposure one stop and a half, IIRC, exp. 1/1000 at f4)

Potential undergraduate students touring the NIU campus (exp. 1/1000 at f13 or thereabouts)

Cat in a DeKalb store. I offered a print to the cat's owner... and shall deliver soon (exp. 1/60 at f4, IIRC)

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Words and images

Singer at a Farmers' Market, DeKalb, June 2009 (M4-2, Hexanon 35mm, Kodak BW400CN)

Browsing through accidental photography blogs, I found one common aspect.

Many of them just post images.

This, to me, isn't that appealing. The whole idea of a blog is to communicate. Images, indeed, do say things, but they work (at least, a mon avis) better when paired with words.

However, just for the sake of posting (which has become somehow difficult), I'll see to make images more relevant than prose, instead of aiming at a balance. Let's see if I like it...
Ben on my chair (M4-2, Hexanon 35mm, Kodak BW400CN, with Leica SF-20 flash in auto mode)

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Back from repairs... and feeling frisky!

The M4-2 went to Wisconsin, to get repaired, and receive a new lease on life from Don Goldberg. It's finally back! And of course, I've been using it (with B&W film).

Trees by the NIU library...

Backyard furniture, covered in snow.

Bench near library, with sun peeking in.

The film advance still feels a bit grainy, but the cosmetics in the camera are now unbeatable. Both PC contacts have their own covers and the little rims around them (both were restored). Don also replaced the hot flash element, which had deteriorated when some glue from a clumsy repair in the top axle of the film rewind seeped into it. Later, I added some white to the lettering. The camera is ready for some 25 more years...